

Definitely Bad Ideas

Definitely Bad Ideas

Let's explore what should not be done on Twitter.

Again, it is difficult for me to tell you what to do on your own personal social media, but for those who are just looking to get started, I can offer a few more pointers.

No racism, misogyny, and gatekeeping

Just don’t. Not even ironic jokes. Your Tweets WILL be screenshotted and taken out of context, and you WILL lose jobs and friends. Tread extremely carefully here. You can delete Tweets you shouldn’t have tweeted, but you cannot unsay things you should not have said. People remember.

Don’t be a “reply guy”

A reply guy is a term for someone who frequently comments on Tweets in an annoying, condescending, forward or otherwise unsolicited manner, often making the conversation about themselves. It doesn’t have to be gender-specific, of course, but it is so overwhelmingly done by men to women ...