

Personal Anecdote Time!

Personal Anecdote Time!

Let's explore how I found out I had established an incredibly strong personal brand.

Let people talk about you

If you can get a friend to tell it to you straight, good. If you can get some people on a podcast talking about you without you there, good.

Or, like me, you can accidentally eavesdrop on a conversation. I swear I did this unintentionally!

The guy that preaches learn in public

The first time I found out I had established an incredibly strong personal brand was when I was at a house party with twenty friends and friends of friends. While in a small group, I overheard someone behind me talking about me. They introduced me as “that guy that preaches learn in public”. Then, at a later hour, I heard another person introduce me without me there. Again, when joining a new group, a third person introduced me the exact same way.

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