

Mentorship, Allyship, and Sponsorship

Mentorship, Allyship, and Sponsorship

Learn why mentorship, allyship, and sponsorship are important as a senior developer.

Why mentorship and collaboration are important

"Individual contributor" is a misnomer when it comes to being a senior developer. There’s nothing individual about it; virtually every company expects their senior devs to be mentors for their juniors and force multipliers for their teams.

You might be the smartest person in the company. You might have the deepest knowledge, write the best code, crush tickets faster and cleaner than anyone else in the history of programming. It doesn’t matter if you cannot scale yourself. If you hoard all the knowledge and don’t mentor and collaborate, you are only as useful to the company as an externally hired agency.

The true story of Rick

Listen to the true story of Rick, a genius developer who did great work but also became a huge bottleneck and refused to accept any systematic remedy. ...