

What Writing Does for You

What Writing Does for You

Let's explore the benefits writing brings for you.

Writing advantages

“Writing doesn’t just communicate ideas; it generates them. If you’re bad at writing and don’t like to do it, you’ll miss out on most of the ideas writing would have generated.”

- Paul Graham

Writing forces you to create rather than consume and gives you scale, structure, and power when you do it.


Writing scales infinitely. We used to write on stone tablets and then on parchment, replicating copies manually. Modern civilization began with the invention of the Gutenberg Press, which made mass reproduction of writing possible and gave immortality to the best writers. Computers digitized that process and made it even cheaper to copy text. The Internet made it trivial to spread great writing worldwide in seconds.

For the first time in human history, great writing can now go viral. Other forms of media exist, with higher engagement and information density, but writing will never be beaten in raw reach. When you write, you scale your ideas, your brand, and yourself infinitely.

“Having a command of communication, in spoken form and in written form, provides you with an Archimedes lever for whatever other skills you have.”

- Tim Ferriss

Writing is searchable

Writing is searchable, and writing lives forever. Search and storage are things that human brains are particularly bad at; we should offload that to computers as much as possible. It just so happens that the most indexable and durable format for storing this information is in writing. Do you ...