Getting More Out of What You Consume
Let's learn how you can get more out of what you consume.
We'll cover the following...
Have a goal
You will go further if you put more effort into learning one thing rather than a random assortment, thus diffusing your efforts. You also gain the superpower of having the permission to ignore things if they’re not on-goal for now; you can always come back later if your goals change.
I do believe that systems are more important than goals. This whole thing you’re reading is a proto-system. However, systems can be focused by goals. Sometimes you can stuff a system into a goal; for example. Ultralearning seems to have caught some fire recently as a form of super intense, immersive learning. Joe Previte summarizes it as such: “Set a goal to experiment say with new technology for 31 days. Check it out. See what you think. Write down what you learn.” Note that I’m not saying you have to have a goal at ...