A Simple Example And Overview
Understand paging further by studying the brief overview and the demonstration of paging provided in this lesson.
We'll cover the following...
To help make this approach more clear, let’s illustrate it with a simple example.
The figure below presents an example of a tiny address space, only 64 bytes total in size, with four 16-byte pages (virtual pages 0, 1, 2, and 3).
Real address spaces are much bigger, of course, commonly 32 bits and thus 4-GB of address space or even 64 bits; in the course, we’ll often use tiny examples to make them easier to digest.
Physical memory, as shown in the figure below, also consists of a number of fixed-sized slots, in this case, eight page frames (making for a 128-byte physical memory, also ridiculously small).
As you can see in the diagram, the pages of the virtual address space have been ...