Introduction to Semaphore

This lesson sheds some light on the history of semaphores and discusses what we will be covering in this chapter.

As we know now, one needs both locks and condition variables to solve a broad range of relevant and interesting concurrency problems. One of the first people to realize this years ago was Edsger Dijkstra (though it is hard to know the exact history“Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques” by Jim Gray, Andreas Reuter. Morgan Kaufmann, September 1992. The exact quote that we find particularly humorous is found on page 485, at the top of Section 8.8: “The first multiprocessors, circa 1960, had test and set instructions … presumably the OS implementors worked out the appropriate algorithms, although Dijkstra is generally credited with inventing semaphores many years later.” Oh, snap!). Known among other things for his famous “shortest paths” algorithm in graph theory [D59], an early polemic on structured programming entitled “Goto Statements Considered Harmful”“Go-to Statement Considered Harmful” by E.W. Dijkstra. CACM, volume 11(3), March 1968. Sometimes thought of as the beginning of the field of software engineering. (what a great title!), and, in the case we will study here, the introduction of a synchronization primitive called the semaphore1- “The Structure of the THE Multiprogramming System” by E.W. Dijkstra. CACM, volume 11(5), 1968. One of the earliest papers to point out that systems work in computer science is an engaging intellectual endeavor. Also argues strongly for modularity in the form of layered systems. 2- “Information Streams Sharing a Finite Buffer” by E.W. Dijkstra. Information Processing Letters 1, 1972. Did Dijkstra invent everything? No, but maybe close. He certainly was the first to clearly write down what the problems were in concurrent code. However, practitioners in OS design knew of many of the problems described by Dijkstra, so perhaps giving him too much credit would be a misrepresentation.. Indeed, Dijkstra and colleagues invented the semaphore as a single primitive for all things related to synchronization; as you will see, one can use semaphores as both locks and condition variables.


How can we use semaphores instead of locks and condition variables? What is the definition of a semaphore? What is a binary semaphore? Is it straightforward to build a semaphore out of locks and condition variables? To build locks and condition variables out of semaphores?

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