
Solidify your understanding of how an LFS-based file system works by getting hands-on practice ​with the exercise provided in this lesson!

We'll cover the following...


This section introduces lfs.py, a simple LFS simulator you can use to understand better how an LFS-based file system works. See the previous lesson for details on how to run the simulator.

#! /usr/bin/env python

# lfs.py
# A simple simulator to emulate the behavior of LFS.
# Make lots of simplifying assumptions including things like:
# - all entities take up exactly one block
# - no segments or buffering of writes in memory
# - many other things

import math
import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
import random
import copy

# fixed addr

# These are not (yet) things you can change
NUM_IMAP_PTRS_IN_CR       = 16
NUM_INODE_PTRS            = 8


# block types
BLOCK_TYPE_DATA_BLOCK     = 'type_data'
BLOCK_TYPE_INODE          = 'type_inode'
BLOCK_TYPE_IMAP           = 'type_imap'

# inode types
INODE_DIRECTORY           = 'dir'
INODE_REGULAR             = 'reg'

# root inode is "well known" per Unix conventions
ROOT_INODE                = 0

# policies
ALLOCATE_RANDOM           = 2

# Heart of simulation is found here
class LFS:
    def __init__(self, use_disk_cr=False, no_force_checkpoints=False,
                 inode_policy=ALLOCATE_SEQUENTIAL, solve=False):
        # whether to read checkpoint region and imap pieces from disk (if True)
        # or instead just to use "in-memory" inode map instead
        self.use_disk_cr          = use_disk_cr

        # to force an update of the checkpoint region after each write
        self.no_force_checkpoints = no_force_checkpoints

        # inode allocation policy
        assert(inode_policy == ALLOCATE_SEQUENTIAL or inode_policy == ALLOCATE_RANDOM)
        self.inode_policy = inode_policy

        # whether to show "answers" to things or not
        self.solve                = solve

        # dump assistance
        self.dump_last            = 1
        # ALL blocks are in the "disk"
        self.disk = []

        # checkpoint region (first block)
        self.cr    = [3,-1,-1,-1,
        assert(len(self.cr) == NUM_IMAP_PTRS_IN_CR)

        # create first checkpoint region
        self.log({'block_type':BLOCK_TYPE_CHECKPOINT, 'entries': self.cr})
        assert(len(self.disk) == 1)

        # init root dir data
        self.log(self.make_new_dirblock(ROOT_INODE, ROOT_INODE))
        assert(len(self.disk) == 2)

        # root inode
        root_inode = self.make_inode(itype=INODE_DIRECTORY, size=1, refs=2)
        root_inode['pointers'][0] = 1
        root_inode_address = self.log(root_inode)
        assert(len(self.disk) == 3)

        # init in memory imap
        self.inode_map = {}
        for i in range(NUM_INODES):
            self.inode_map[i] = -1
        self.inode_map[ROOT_INODE] = root_inode_address
        # imap piece
        assert(len(self.disk) == 4)

        # error code: tracking

    def make_data_block(self, data):
        return {'block_type':BLOCK_TYPE_DATA_BLOCK, 'contents':data}

    def make_inode(self, itype, size, refs):
        return {'block_type':BLOCK_TYPE_INODE, 'type':itype, 'size':size, 'refs':refs,

    def make_new_dirblock(self, parent_inum, current_inum):
        dirblock = self.make_empty_dirblock()
        dirblock['entries'][0] = ('.', current_inum)
        dirblock['entries'][1] = ('..', parent_inum)
        return dirblock

    def make_empty_dirblock(self):
        return {'block_type':BLOCK_TYPE_DATA_DIRECTORY,
                'entries': [('-',-1), ('-',-1), ('-',-1), ('-',-1),
                            ('-',-1), ('-',-1), ('-',-1), ('-',-1)]}
    def make_imap_chunk(self, cnum):
        imap_chunk = {}
        imap_chunk['block_type'] = BLOCK_TYPE_IMAP
        imap_chunk['entries'] = list()
        start = cnum * NUM_INODES_PER_IMAP_CHUNK
        for i in range(start, start + NUM_INODES_PER_IMAP_CHUNK):
        return imap_chunk

    def make_random_blocks(self, num):
        contents = []
        for i in range(num):
            L = chr(ord('a') + int(random.random() * 26))
            contents.append(str(16 * ('%s%d' % (L, i))))
        return contents

    def inum_to_chunk(self, inum):
        return inum / NUM_INODES_PER_IMAP_CHUNK

    def determine_liveness(self):
        # first, assume all are dead
        self.live = {}
        for i in range(len(self.disk)):
            self.live[i] = False

        # checkpoint region
        self.live[0] = True

        # now mark latest pieces of imap as live
        for ptr in self.cr:
            if ptr == -1:
            self.live[ptr] = True

        # go through imap, find live inodes and their addresses
        # latest inodes are all live, by def
        inodes = []
        for i in range(len(self.inode_map)):
            if self.inode_map[i] == -1:
            self.live[self.inode_map[i]] = True

        # go through live inodes and find blocks each points to
        for i in inodes:
            inode = self.disk[self.inode_map[i]]
            for ptr in inode['pointers']:
                self.live[ptr] = True

    def error_log(self, s):

    def error_clear(self):
        self.error_list = []

    def error_dump(self):
        for i in self.error_list:
            print '  %s' % i

    def dump_partial(self, show_liveness, show_checkpoint):
        if show_checkpoint or not self.no_force_checkpoints:
            self.__dump(0, 1, show_liveness)
        if not self.no_force_checkpoints:
            print '...'
        self.__dump(self.dump_last, len(self.disk), show_liveness)
        self.dump_last = len(self.disk)

    def dump(self, show_liveness):
        self.__dump(0, len(self.disk), show_liveness)

    def __dump(self, start, end, show_liveness):

        for i in range(start, end):
            # print ADDRESS on disk
            b = self.disk[i]
            block_type = b['block_type']
            print '[ %3d ]' % i,

            # print LIVENESS
            if show_liveness or self.solve:
                if self.live[i]:
                    print 'live', 
                    print '    ',
                print ' ?  ', 

            if block_type == BLOCK_TYPE_CHECKPOINT:
                print 'checkpoint:',
                for e in b['entries']:
                    if e != -1:
                        print e,
                        print '--',
                print ''
            elif block_type == BLOCK_TYPE_DATA_DIRECTORY:
                for e in b['entries']:
                    if e[1] != -1:
                        print '[%s,%s]' % (str(e[0]), str(e[1])),
                        print '--',
                print ''
            elif block_type == BLOCK_TYPE_DATA_BLOCK:
                print b['contents']
            elif block_type == BLOCK_TYPE_INODE:
                print 'type:'+b['type'], 'size:'+str(b['size']), \
                      'refs:'+str(b['refs']), 'ptrs:', 
                for p in b['pointers']:
                    if p != -1:
                        print '%s' % p,
                        print '--',
                print ''
            elif block_type == BLOCK_TYPE_IMAP:
                print 'chunk(imap):',
                for e in b['entries']:
                    if e != -1:
                        print e,
                        print '--',
                print ''
                print 'error: unknown block_type', block_type

    def log(self, block):
        new_address = len(self.disk)
        return new_address

    def allocate_inode(self):
        if self.inode_policy == ALLOCATE_SEQUENTIAL:
            for i in range(len(self.inode_map)):
                if self.inode_map[i] == -1:
                    # ugh: temporary holder until real on-disk location filled in
                    self.inode_map[i] = 1 
                    return i
        elif self.inode_policy == ALLOCATE_RANDOM:
            # inefficiently ensure that space exists
            # better done with counter of alloc/free but this is ok for now
            space_exists = False
            imap_len = len(self.inode_map)
            for i in range(imap_len):
                if self.inode_map[i] == -1:
                    space_exists = True
            if not space_exists:
                return -1
            while True:
                index = int(random.random() * imap_len)
                if self.inode_map[index] == -1:
                    self.inode_map[index] = 1
                    return index
        # no free inode found
        return -1

    def free_inode(self, inum):
        assert(self.inode_map[inum] != -1)
        self.inode_map[inum] = -1

    def remap(self, inode_number, inode_address):
        self.inode_map[inode_number] = inode_address

    def dump_inode_map(self):
        for i in range(len(self.inode_map)):
            if self.inode_map[i] != -1:
                print '  ', i, '->', self.inode_map[i]
        print ''

    def cr_sync(self):
        # only place in code where an OVERWRITE occurs
        self.disk[ADDR_CHECKPOINT_BLOCK] = copy.deepcopy({'block_type':BLOCK_TYPE_CHECKPOINT, 'entries': self.cr})
        return 0

    def get_inode_from_inumber(self, inode_number):
        imap_entry_index = inode_number / NUM_INODES_PER_IMAP_CHUNK
        imap_entry_offset = inode_number % NUM_INODES_PER_IMAP_CHUNK

        if self.use_disk_cr:
            # this is the disk path
            checkpoint_block = self.disk[ADDR_CHECKPOINT_BLOCK]
            assert(checkpoint_block['block_type'] == BLOCK_TYPE_CHECKPOINT)

            imap_block_address = checkpoint_block['entries'][imap_entry_index]
            imap_block = self.disk[imap_block_address]
            assert(imap_block['block_type'] == BLOCK_TYPE_IMAP)

            inode_address = imap_block['entries'][imap_entry_offset]
            # this is the just-use-the-mem-inode_map path
            inode_address = self.inode_map[inode_number]

        assert(inode_address != -1)
        inode = self.disk[inode_address]
        assert(inode['block_type'] == BLOCK_TYPE_INODE)
        return inode

    def __lookup(self, parent_inode_number, name):
        parent_inode = self.get_inode_from_inumber(parent_inode_number)
        assert(parent_inode['type'] == INODE_DIRECTORY)
        for address in parent_inode['pointers']:
            if address == -1:
            directory_block = self.disk[address]
            assert(directory_block['block_type'] == BLOCK_TYPE_DATA_DIRECTORY)
            for entry_name, entry_inode_number in directory_block['entries']:
                if entry_name == name:
                    return (entry_inode_number, parent_inode)
        return (-1, parent_inode)

    def __walk_path(self, path):
        split_path = path.split('/')
        if split_path[0] != '':
            self.error_log('path malformed: must start with /')
            return -1, '', -1, ''
        inode_number = -1 
        parent_inode_number = ROOT_INODE # root inode number is well known
        for i in range(1, len(split_path) - 1):
            inode_number, inode = self.__lookup(parent_inode_number, split_path[i])
            if inode_number == -1:
                self.error_log('directory %s not found' % split_path[i])
                return -1, '', -1, ''
            if inode['type'] != INODE_DIRECTORY:
                self.error_log('invalid element of path [%s] (not a dir)' % split_path[i])
                return -1, '', -1, ''
            parent_inode_number = inode_number

        file_name = split_path[len(split_path) - 1]
        inode_number, parent_inode = self.__lookup(parent_inode_number, file_name)
        return inode_number, file_name, parent_inode_number, parent_inode

    def update_imap(self, inum_list):
        chunk_list = list()
        for inum in inum_list:
            cnum = self.inum_to_chunk(inum)
            if cnum not in chunk_list:
                self.cr[cnum] = len(self.disk) - 1

    def __read_dirblock(self, inode, index):
        return self.disk[inode['pointers'][index]]        

    # return (inode_index, dirblock_index)
    def __find_matching_dir_slot(self, name, inode):
        for inode_index in range(inode['size']):
            directory_block = self.__read_dirblock(inode, inode_index)
            assert(directory_block['block_type'] == BLOCK_TYPE_DATA_DIRECTORY)

            for slot_index in range(len(directory_block['entries'])):
                entry_name, entry_inode_number = directory_block['entries'][slot_index]
                if entry_name == name:
                    return inode_index, slot_index
        return -1, -1

    def __add_dir_entry(self, parent_inode, file_name, inode_number):
        # this will be the directory block to contain the new name->inum mapping
        inode_index, dirblock_index = self.__find_matching_dir_slot('-', parent_inode)

        if inode_index != -1:
            # there is room in existing block: make copy, update it, and log it
            index_to_update = inode_index
            parent_size = parent_inode['size']

            new_directory_block = copy.deepcopy(self.__read_dirblock(parent_inode, inode_index))
            new_directory_block['entries'][dirblock_index] = (file_name, inode_number)
            # no room in existing directory block: allocate new one IF there is room in inode to point to it
            if parent_inode['size'] != NUM_INODE_PTRS:
                index_to_update = parent_inode['size']
                parent_size = index_to_update + 1

                new_directory_block = self.make_empty_dirblock()
                new_directory_block['entries'][0] = (file_name, inode_number)
                return -1, -1, {}
        return index_to_update, parent_size, new_directory_block

    # create (file OR dir)
    def __file_create(self, path, is_file):
        inode_number, file_name, parent_inode_number, parent_inode = self.__walk_path(path)
        if inode_number != -1:
            # self.error_log('create failed: file %s already exists' % path)
            self.error_log('create failed: file already exists')
            return -1

        if parent_inode_number == -1:
            self.error_log('create failed: walkpath returned error [%s]' % path)
            return -1

        # finally, allocate inode number for new file/dir
        new_inode_number = self.allocate_inode()
        if new_inode_number == -1:
            self.error_log('create failed: no more inodes available')
            return -1

        # this will be the directory block to contain the new name->inum mapping
        index_to_update, parent_size, new_directory_block = self.__add_dir_entry(parent_inode, file_name, new_inode_number)
        if index_to_update == -1:
            self.error_log('error: directory is full (path %s)' % path)
            return -1
        # log directory data block (either new version of old OR new one entirely)
        new_directory_block_address = self.log(new_directory_block)

        # now have to make new version of directory inode
        # update size (if needed), inc refs if this is a dir, point to new dir block addr
        new_parent_inode = copy.deepcopy(parent_inode)
        new_parent_inode['size'] = parent_size
        if not is_file:
            new_parent_inode['refs'] += 1
        new_parent_inode['pointers'][index_to_update] = new_directory_block_address

        # if directory, must create empty dir block
        if not is_file:
            self.log(self.make_new_dirblock(parent_inode_number, new_inode_number))
            new_dirblock_address = len(self.disk) - 1

        # and the new inode itself
        if is_file:
            # create empty file by default
            new_inode = self.make_inode(itype=INODE_REGULAR, size=0, refs=1)
            # create directory inode and point it to the one dirblock it owns
            new_inode = self.make_inode(itype=INODE_DIRECTORY, size=1, refs=2)
            new_inode['pointers'][0] = new_dirblock_address

        # ADD updated parent inode, file/dir inode TO LOG
        new_parent_inode_address = self.log(new_parent_inode)
        new_inode_address = self.log(new_inode)

        # and new imap entries for both parent and new inode
        self.remap(parent_inode_number, new_parent_inode_address)
        self.remap(new_inode_number, new_inode_address)

        # finally, create new chunk of imap
        self.update_imap([parent_inode_number, new_inode_number])

        # SYNC checkpoint region
        if not self.no_force_checkpoints:
        return 0

    # file_create()
    def file_create(self, path):
        return self.__file_create(path, True)

    # dir_create()
    def dir_create(self, path):
        return self.__file_create(path, False)

    # link()
    def file_link(self, srcpath, dstpath):

        src_inode_number, src_file_name, src_parent_inode_number, src_parent_inode = self.__walk_path(srcpath)
        if src_inode_number == -1:
            self.error_log('link failed, src [%s] not found' % srcpath)
            return -1

        src_inode = self.get_inode_from_inumber(src_inode_number)
        if src_inode['type'] != INODE_REGULAR:
            self.error_log('link failed: cannot link to non-regular file [%s]' % srcpath)
            return -1

        dst_inode_number, dst_file_name, dst_parent_inode_number, dst_parent_inode = self.__walk_path(dstpath)
        if dst_inode_number != -1:
            self.error_log('link failed, dst [%s] exists' % dstpath)
            return -1

        # this will be the directory block to contain the new name->inum mapping
        dst_index_to_update, dst_parent_size, new_directory_block = self.__add_dir_entry(dst_parent_inode, dst_file_name, src_inode_number)
        if dst_index_to_update == -1:
            self.error_log('error: directory is full [path %s]' % dstpath)
            return -1
        # log directory data block (either new version of old OR new one entirely)
        new_directory_block_address = self.log(new_directory_block)

        # now have to make new version of directory inode
        # update size (if needed), inc refs if this is a dir, point to new dir block addr
        new_dst_parent_inode = copy.deepcopy(dst_parent_inode)
        new_dst_parent_inode['size'] = dst_parent_size
        new_dst_parent_inode['pointers'][dst_index_to_update] = new_directory_block_address

        # ADD updated parent inode TO LOG
        new_dst_parent_inode_address = self.log(new_dst_parent_inode)

        # inode must change too: to reflect NEW refs count
        new_src_inode = copy.deepcopy(src_inode)
        new_src_inode['refs'] += 1
        new_src_inode_address = self.log(new_src_inode)

        # and new imap entries for both parent and new inode
        self.remap(dst_parent_inode_number, new_dst_parent_inode_address)
        self.remap(src_inode_number, new_src_inode_address)

        # finally, create new chunk of imap

        # SYNC checkpoint region
        if not self.no_force_checkpoints:
        return 0
    def file_write(self, path, offset, num_blks):

        # just make up contents of data blocks - up to the max spec'd by write
        # note: may not write all of these, because of running out of room in inode...
        contents = self.make_random_blocks(num_blks)

        inode_number, file_name, parent_inode_number, parent_inode = self.__walk_path(path)
        if inode_number == -1:
            self.error_log('write failed: file not found [path %s]' % path)
            return -1

        inode = self.get_inode_from_inumber(inode_number)
        if inode['type'] != INODE_REGULAR:
            self.error_log('write failed: cannot write to non-regular file %s' % path)
            return -1

        if offset < 0 or offset >= NUM_INODE_PTRS:
            self.error_log('write failed: bad offset %d' % offset)
            return -1

        # create potential write list -- up to max file size
        current_log_ptr = len(self.disk)
        current_offset = offset
        potential_writes = []
        while current_offset < NUM_INODE_PTRS and current_offset < offset + len(contents):
            potential_writes.append((current_offset, current_log_ptr))
            current_offset += 1
            current_log_ptr += 1

        # write data block(s)
        for i in range(len(potential_writes)):
        # write new version of inode, with updated size
        new_inode = copy.deepcopy(inode)
        new_inode['size'] = current_offset
        for new_offset, new_addr in potential_writes:
            new_inode['pointers'][new_offset] = new_addr
        new_inode_address = self.log(new_inode)

        # write new chunk of imap
        self.remap(inode_number, new_inode_address)
        self.cr[self.inum_to_chunk(inode_number)] = len(self.disk) - 1

        # write checkpoint region
        if not self.no_force_checkpoints:

        # return size of write (total # written, not desired, may be less than asked for)
        return current_offset - offset

    def file_delete(self, path):

        inode_number, file_name, parent_inode_number, parent_inode = self.__walk_path(path)
        if inode_number == -1:
            self.error_log('delete failed: file not found [%s]' % path)
            return -1

        inode = self.get_inode_from_inumber(inode_number)
        if inode['type'] != INODE_REGULAR:
            self.error_log('delete failed: cannot delete non-regular file [%s]' % path)
            return -1

        # have to check: is the file actually down to its last ref?
        if inode['refs'] == 1:

        # now, find entry in DIRECTORY DATA BLOCK and zero it
        inode_index, dirblock_index = self.__find_matching_dir_slot(file_name, parent_inode)
        assert(inode_index != -1)
        new_directory_block = copy.deepcopy(self.__read_dirblock(parent_inode, inode_index))
        new_directory_block['entries'][dirblock_index] = ('-', -1)

        # this leads to DIRECTORY DATA, DIR INODE, (and hence IMAP_CHUNK, CR_SYNC) writes
        dir_addr = self.log(new_directory_block)
        new_parent_inode = copy.deepcopy(parent_inode)
        new_parent_inode['pointers'][inode_index] = dir_addr
        new_parent_inode_addr = self.log(new_parent_inode)
        self.remap(parent_inode_number, new_parent_inode_addr)

        # if this ISNT the last link, decrease ref count and output new version
        if inode['refs'] > 1:
            new_inode = copy.deepcopy(inode)
            new_inode['refs'] -= 1
            new_inode_addr = self.log(new_inode)
            self.remap(inode_number, new_inode_addr)

        # create new chunk of imap
        self.update_imap([inode_number, parent_inode_number])
        # and sync if need be
        if not self.no_force_checkpoints:
        return 0

    def sync(self):
        return self.cr_sync()

# HELPERs for main
def pick_random(a_list):
    if len(a_list) == 0:
        return ''
    index = int(random.random() * len(a_list))
    return a_list[index]

def make_random_file_name(parent_dir):
    L1 = chr(ord('a') + int(random.random() * 26))
    L2 = chr(ord('a') + int(random.random() * 26))
    N1 = str(int(random.random() * 10))
    if parent_dir == '/':
        return '/' + L1 + L2 + N1
    return parent_dir + '/' + L1 + L2 + N1

# must be in format: cXX,wXX,etc
# where first letter is command and XX is percent (from 0-100)
def process_percentages(percentages):
    tmp = percentages.split(',')
    csum = 0
    for p in tmp:
        cmd = p[0]
        value = p[1:]
        if value < 0:
            print 'percentages must be positive or zero'
        csum += int(value)
    if csum != 100:
        print 'percentages do not add to 100'

    p_array = {}

    cmd_list = ['c', 'w', 'd', 'r', 'l', 's']

    for c in cmd_list:
        p_array[c] = (0, 0)
    csum = 0
    for p in tmp:
        cmd = p[0]
        if cmd not in cmd_list:
            print 'bad command', cmd
        value = int(p[1:])
        p_array[cmd] = (csum, csum + value)
        csum += value

    for i in p_array:
        p_array[i] = (p_array[i][0] / 100.0, p_array[i][1] / 100.0)

    return p_array

def make_command_list(num_commands, percent):
    command_list = ''
    existing_files = []
    existing_dirs = ['/']
    while num_commands > 0:
        chances = random.random()
        command = ''
        if chances >= percents['c'][0] and chances < percents['c'][1]:
            pdir = pick_random(existing_dirs)
            if pdir == '':
            nfile = make_random_file_name(pdir)
            command = 'c,%s' % nfile
        elif chances >= percents['w'][0] and chances < percents['w'][1]:
            pfile = pick_random(existing_files)
            if pfile == '':
            woff = int(random.random() * 8)
            wlen = int(random.random() * 8)
            command = 'w,%s,%d,%d' % (pfile, woff, wlen)
        elif chances >= percents['d'][0] and chances < percents['d'][1]: 
            pdir = pick_random(existing_dirs)
            if pdir == '':
            ndir = make_random_file_name(pdir)
            command = 'd,%s' % ndir
        elif chances >= percents['r'][0] and chances < percents['r'][1]:
            if len(existing_files) == 0:
            index = int(random.random() * len(existing_files))
            command = 'r,%s' % existing_files[index]
            del existing_files[index]
        elif chances >= percents['l'][0] and chances < percents['l'][1]:
            index = int(random.random() * len(existing_files))
            pdir = pick_random(existing_dirs)
            if pdir == '':
            nfile = make_random_file_name(pdir)
            command = 'l,%s,%s' % (existing_files[index], nfile)
        elif chances >= percents['s'][0] and chances < percents['s'][1]:
            command = 's'
            print 'abort: internal error with percent operations'

        if command_list == '':
            command_list = command
            command_list += ':' + command

        num_commands -= 1
    return command_list

# MAIN program
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-s', '--seed', default=0, help='the random seed', 
                  action='store', type='int', dest='seed')
parser.add_option('-N', '--no_force', help='Do not force checkpoint writes after updates',
                  default=False, action='store_true', dest='no_force_checkpoints')
parser.add_option('-F', '--no_final', help='Do not show the final state of the file system',
                  default=False, action='store_true', dest='no_final')
parser.add_option('-D', '--use_disk_cr', help='use disk (maybe old) version of checkpoint region',
                  default=False, action='store_true', dest='use_disk_cr')
parser.add_option('-c', '--compute', help='compute answers for me', action='store_true',
                  default=False, dest='solve')
parser.add_option('-o', '--show_operations', help='print out operations as they occur',
                  action='store_true', default=False, dest='show_operations')
parser.add_option('-i', '--show_intermediate', help='print out state changes as they occur',
                  action='store_true', default=False, dest='show_intermediate')
parser.add_option('-e', '--show_return_codes', help='show error/return codes',
                  action='store_true', default=False, dest='show_return_codes')
parser.add_option('-v', '--show_live_paths', help='show live paths',
                  action='store_true', default=False, dest='show_live_paths')
parser.add_option('-n', '--num_commands', help='generate N random commands', action='store',
                  default=3, dest='num_commands')
parser.add_option('-p', '--percentages',
                  help='percent chance of: createfile,writefile,createdir,rmfile,linkfile,sync ' + \
                  '(example is c30,w30,d10,r20,l10,s0)',
                  action='store', default='c30,w30,d10,r20,l10,s0', dest='percentages')
parser.add_option('-a', '--allocation_policy',
                  help='inode allocation policy: "r" for "random" or "s" for "sequential"',
                  action='store', default='s', dest='inode_policy')
parser.add_option('-L', '--command_list', default = '', action='store', type='str', dest='command_list',
                  help='command list in format: "cmd1,arg1,...,argN:cmd2,arg1,...,argN:... where cmds are:' + \
                  'c:createfile, d:createdir, r:delete, w:write, l:link, s:sync' + \
                  'format: c,filepath d,dirpath r,filepath w,filepath,offset,numblks l,srcpath,dstpath s')

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
command_list = options.command_list
num_commands = int(options.num_commands)
percents = process_percentages(options.percentages)

if options.inode_policy == 's':
    inode_policy = ALLOCATE_SEQUENTIAL
elif options.inode_policy == 'r':
    inode_policy = ALLOCATE_RANDOM
    print 'bad policy', options.inode_policy

# where most of the work is done
L = LFS(use_disk_cr=options.use_disk_cr,

# what to show
print_operation = options.show_operations
print_intermediate = options.show_intermediate

# generate some random commands
if command_list == '':
    if num_commands < 0:
        print 'num_commands must be greater than zero', num_commands
    command_list = make_command_list(num_commands, percents)

print ''
print 'INITIAL file system contents:'
L.dump_last = 4 # ugly ... but needed to make intermediate dumps correct
print ''

# this variant allows control over each command
files_that_exist = []
dirs_that_exist = []

if command_list != '':
    commands = command_list.split(':')
    for i in range(len(commands)):
        command_and_args = commands[i].split(',')
        if command_and_args[0] == 'c':
            assert(len(command_and_args) == 2)
            if print_operation:
                print 'create file', command_and_args[1],
            rc = L.file_create(command_and_args[1])
            if rc == 0:
        elif command_and_args[0] == 'd':
            assert(len(command_and_args) == 2)
            if print_operation:
                print 'create dir ', command_and_args[1],
            rc = L.dir_create(command_and_args[1])
            if rc == 0:
        elif command_and_args[0] == 'r':
            assert(len(command_and_args) == 2)
            if print_operation:
                print 'delete file', command_and_args[1],
            rc = L.file_delete(command_and_args[1])
            if rc == 0:
                if command_and_args[1] in files_that_exist:
                    print 'warning: cannot find file', command_and_args[1]
        elif command_and_args[0] == 'l':
            assert(len(command_and_args) == 3)
            if print_operation:
                print 'link file  ', command_and_args[1], command_and_args[2],
            rc = L.file_link(command_and_args[1], command_and_args[2])
            if rc == 0:
        elif command_and_args[0] == 'w':
            assert(len(command_and_args) == 4)
            if print_operation:
                print 'write file  %s offset=%d size=%d' % (command_and_args[1], int(command_and_args[2]), int(command_and_args[3])), 
            rc = L.file_write(command_and_args[1], int(command_and_args[2]), int(command_and_args[3]))
        elif command_and_args[0] == 's':
            if print_operation:
                print 'sync',
            rc = L.sync()
            print 'command not understood so skipping [%s]' % command_and_args[0]

        if not print_operation:
            print 'command?', 

        if print_intermediate:
            print ''
            print ''
            if command_and_args[0] == 's':
                L.dump_partial(False, True)
                L.dump_partial(False, False)
            print ''

        if options.show_return_codes:
            print '->', rc
            print ''

        #if not print_intermediate:
        #    print '\nChanges to log, checkpoint region?'
        #    print ''

if not options.no_final:
    print ''
    print 'FINAL file system contents:'
    print ''
    if options.show_live_paths:
        print 'Live directories: ', dirs_that_exist
        print 'Live files: ', files_that_exist
        print ''
    print ''


  1. Run ./lfs.py -n 3, perhaps varying the seed(-s). Can you figure out which commands were run to generate the final file system contents? Can you tell which order those commands were issued? Finally, can you determine the liveness of each block in the final file system state? Use -o to show which commands were run, and -c to show the liveness of the final file system state. How much harder does the task become for you as you increase the number of commands issued (i.e., change -n 3 to -n 5)?

  2. If you find the above painful, you can help yourself a little bit by showing the set of updates caused by each specific command. To do so, run ./lfs.py -n 3 -i. Now see if it is easier to understand what each ...