Solidify your concepts and understanding by playing around with the simulator and finding the answer to the exercise questions provided in this lesson.
This program allows you to see how address translations are performed in a system with segmentation. See the README for details.
#! /usr/bin/env python import sys from optparse import OptionParser import random import math def convert(size): length = len(size) lastchar = size[length-1] if (lastchar == 'k') or (lastchar == 'K'): m = 1024 nsize = int(size[0:length-1]) * m elif (lastchar == 'm') or (lastchar == 'M'): m = 1024*1024 nsize = int(size[0:length-1]) * m elif (lastchar == 'g') or (lastchar == 'G'): m = 1024*1024*1024 nsize = int(size[0:length-1]) * m else: nsize = int(size) return nsize # # main program # parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-s", "--seed", default=0, help="the random seed", action="store", type="int", dest="seed") parser.add_option("-A", "--addresses", default="-1", help="a set of comma-separated pages to access; -1 means randomly generate", action="store", type="string", dest="addresses") parser.add_option("-a", "--asize", default="1k", help="address space size (e.g., 16, 64k, 32m, 1g)", action="store", type="string", dest="asize") parser.add_option("-p", "--physmem", default="16k", help="physical memory size (e.g., 16, 64k, 32m, 1g)", action="store", type="string", dest="psize") parser.add_option("-n", "--numaddrs", default=5, help="number of virtual addresses to generate", action="store", type="int", dest="num") parser.add_option("-b", "--b0", default="-1", help="value of segment 0 base register", action="store", type="string", dest="base0") parser.add_option("-l", "--l0", default="-1", help="value of segment 0 limit register", action="store", type="string", dest="len0") parser.add_option("-B", "--b1", default="-1", help="value of segment 1 base register", action="store", type="string", dest="base1") parser.add_option("-L", "--l1", default="-1", help="value of segment 1 limit register", action="store", type="string", dest="len1") parser.add_option("-c", help="compute answers for me", action="store_true", default=False, dest="solve") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() print "ARG seed", options.seed print "ARG address space size", options.asize print "ARG phys mem size", options.psize print "" random.seed(options.seed) asize = convert(options.asize) psize = convert(options.psize) addresses = str(options.addresses) if psize <= 1: print 'Error: must specify a non-zero physical memory size.' exit(1) if asize == 0: print 'Error: must specify a non-zero address-space size.' exit(1) if psize <= asize: print 'Error: physical memory size must be GREATER than address space size (for this simulation)' exit(1) # # need to generate base, bounds for segment registers # len0 = convert(options.len0) len1 = convert(options.len1) base0 = convert(options.base0) base1 = convert(options.base1) if len0 == -1: len0 = int(asize/4.0 + (asize/4.0 * random.random())) if len1 == -1: len1 = int(asize/4.0 + (asize/4.0 * random.random())) # now have to find room for them if base0 == -1: done = 0 while done == 0: base0 = int(psize * random.random()) if (base0 + len0) < psize: done = 1 # internally, base1 points to the lower address, and base1+len1 the higher address # (this differs from what the user would pass in, for example) if base1 == -1: done = 0 while done == 0: base1 = int(psize * random.random()) if (base1 + len1) < psize: if (base1 > (base0 + len0)) or ((base1 + len1) < base0): done = 1 else: base1 = base1 - len1 if len0 > asize/2.0 or len1 > asize/2.0: print 'Error: length register is too large for this address space' exit(1) print 'Segment register information:' print '' print ' Segment 0 base (grows positive) : 0x%08x (decimal %d)' % (base0, base0) print ' Segment 0 limit : %d' % (len0) print '' print ' Segment 1 base (grows negative) : 0x%08x (decimal %d)' % (base1+len1, base1+len1) print ' Segment 1 limit : %d' % (len1) print '' nbase1 = base1 + len1 if (len0 + base0) > (base1) and (base1 > base0): print 'Error: segments overlap in physical memory' exit(1) addrList = [] if addresses == '-1': # need to generate addresses for i in range(0, options.num): n = int(asize * random.random()) addrList.append(n) else: addrList = addresses.split(',') # # now, need to generate virtual address trace # print 'Virtual Address Trace' i = 0 for vStr in addrList: # vaddr = int(asize * random.random()) vaddr = int(vStr) if vaddr < 0 or vaddr >= asize: print 'Error: virtual address %d cannot be generated in an address space of size %d' % (vaddr, asize) exit(1) if options.solve == False: print ' VA %2d: 0x%08x (decimal: %4d) --> PA or segmentation violation?' % (i, vaddr, vaddr) else: paddr = 0 if (vaddr >= (asize / 2)): # seg 1 paddr = nbase1 + (vaddr - asize) if paddr < base1: print ' VA %2d: 0x%08x (decimal: %4d) --> SEGMENTATION VIOLATION (SEG1)' % (i, vaddr, vaddr) else: print ' VA %2d: 0x%08x (decimal: %4d) --> VALID in SEG1: 0x%08x (decimal: %4d)' % (i, vaddr, vaddr, paddr, paddr) else: # seg 0 if (vaddr >= len0): print ' VA %2d: 0x%08x (decimal: %4d) --> SEGMENTATION VIOLATION (SEG0)' % (i, vaddr, vaddr) else: paddr = vaddr + base0 print ' VA %2d: 0x%08x (decimal: %4d) --> VALID in SEG0: 0x%08x (decimal: %4d)' % (i, vaddr, vaddr, paddr, paddr) i += 1 print '' if options.solve == False: print 'For each virtual address, either write down the physical address it translates to' print 'OR write down that it is an out-of-bounds address (a segmentation violation). For' print 'this problem, you should assume a simple address space with two segments: the top' print 'bit of the virtual address can thus be used to check whether the virtual address' print 'is in segment 0 (topbit=0) or segment 1 (topbit=1). Note that the base/limit pairs' print 'given to you grow in different directions, depending on the segment, i.e., segment 0' print 'grows in the positive direction, whereas segment 1 in the negative. ' print ''
First let’s use a tiny address space to translate some addresses. Here’s a simple set of parameters with a few different random seeds; can you translate the addresses?
segmentation.py -a