Solution #3: Other Approaches

Let's talk about some other approaches that help us keep file system metadata intact in the face of crashes.

We’ve thus far described two options in keeping file system metadata consistent: a lazy approach based on fsck, and a more active approach known as journaling. However, these are not the only two approaches.

Soft Updates

One such approach, known as Soft Updates, was introduced by Ganger and Patt“Metadata Update Performance in File Systems” by Gregory R. Ganger and Yale N. Patt. OSDI ’94. A clever paper about using careful ordering of writes as the main way to achieve consistency. Implemented later in BSD-based systems.. This approach carefully orders all writes to the file system to ensure that the on-disk structures are never left in an inconsistent state. For example, by writing a pointed-to data block to disk before the inode that points to it, we can ensure that the inode never points to garbage; similar rules can be derived for all the structures of the file system. However, implementing Soft Updates can be a challenge, whereas the journaling layer described above can be implemented with relatively little knowledge of the exact file system structures, Soft Updates requires intricate knowledge of each file system data structure and thus adds a fair amount of complexity to the system.


Another approach is known as copy-on-write (yes, COW), and is used in a number of popular file systems, including Sun’s ZFS“ZFS: The Last Word in File Systems” by Jeff Bonwick and Bill Moore. Available online: ZFS uses copy-on-write and journaling, actually, as in some cases, logging writes to disk will perform better.. This technique never overwrites files or directories in place; rather, it places new updates to previously unused locations on disk. After a number of updates are completed, COW file systems flip the root structure of the file system to include pointers to the newly updated structures. Doing so makes keeping the file system consistent straightforward. We’ll be learning more about this technique when we discuss the log-structured file system (LFS) in the next chapter; LFS is an early example of a COW.

Backpointer-based consistency

Another approach is one we just developed here at Wisconsin“Consistency Without Ordering” by Vijay Chidambaram, Tushar Sharma, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau. FAST ’12, San Jose, California. A recent paper of ours about a new form of crash consistency based on back pointers. Read it for the exciting details!. In this technique, entitled backpointer-based consistency (or BBC), no ordering is enforced between writes. To achieve consistency, an additional back pointer is added to every block in the system; for example, each data block has a reference to the inode to which it belongs. When accessing a file, the file system can determine if the file is consistent by checking if the forward pointer (e.g., the address in the inode or direct block) points to a block that refers back to it. If so, everything must have safely reached disk, and thus the file is consistent; if not, the file is inconsistent, and an error is returned. By adding back pointers to the file system, a new form of lazy crash consistency can be attained.

Optimistic crash consistency

Finally, we also have explored techniques to reduce the number of times a journal protocol has to wait for disk writes to complete. Entitled optimistic crash consistency“Optimistic Crash Consistency” by Vijay Chidambaram, Thanu S. Pillai, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau. SOSP ’13, Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, PA, November 2013. Our work on a more optimistic and higher performance journaling protocol. For workloads that call fsync() a lot, performance can be greatly improved., this new approach issues as many writes to disk as possible by using a generalized form of the transaction checksum“IRON File Systems” by Vijayan Prabhakaran, Lakshmi N. Bairavasundaram, Nitin Agrawal, Haryadi S. Gunawi, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau. SOSP ’05, Brighton, England, October 2005. A paper mostly focused on studying how file systems react to disk failures. Towards the end, we introduce a transaction checksum to speed up logging, which was eventually adopted into Linux ext4., and includes a few other techniques to detect inconsistencies should they arise. For some workloads, these optimistic techniques can improve performance by an order of magnitude. However, to truly function well, a slightly different disk interface is required“Optimistic Crash Consistency” by Vijay Chidambaram, Thanu S. Pillai, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau. SOSP ’13, Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, PA, November 2013. Our work on a more optimistic and higher performance journaling protocol. For workloads that call fsync() a lot, performance can be greatly improved..

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