Test and solidify your understanding by using the simulator to answer the questions provided in the lesson!
In this exercise, we’ll use multi.py
to simulate a multi-processor CPU scheduler, and learn about some of its details. Read the related README for more information about the simulator and its options.
Welcome to multi.py, a rudimentary multi-CPU scheduling simulator. This simulator has a number of features to play with, so pay attention! Or don't, because you are lazy that way. But when that exam rolls around... To run the simulator, all you have to do is type: prompt> ./multi.py This will then run the simulator with some random jobs. Before we get into any such details, let's first examine the basics of such a simulation. In the default mode, there are one or more CPUs in the system (as specified with the -n flag). Thus, to run with 4 CPUs in your simulation, type: prompt> ./multi.py -n 4 Each CPU has a cache, which can hold important data from one or more running processes. The size of each CPU cache is set by the -M flag. Thus, to make each cache have a size of '100' on your 4-CPU system, run: prompt> ./multi.py -n 4 -M 100 To run a simulation, you need some jobs to schedule. There are two ways to do this. The first is to let the system create some jobs with random characteristics for you (this is the default, i.e., if you specify nothing, you get this); there are also some controls to control (somewhat) the nature of randomly-generated jobs, described further below. The second is to specify a list of jobs for the system to schedule precisely; this is also described in more detail below. Each job has two characteristics. The first is its 'run time' (how many time units it will run for). The second is its 'working set size' (how much cache space it needs to run efficiently). If you are generating jobs randomly, you can control the range of these values by using the -R (maximum run-time flag) and -W (maximum working-set-size flag); the random generator will then generate values that are not bigger than those. If you are specifying jobs by hand, you set each of these explicitly, using the -L flag. For example, if you want to run two jobs, each with run-time of 100, but with different working-set-sizes of 50 and 150, respectively, you would do something like this: prompt> ./multi.py -n 4 -M 100 -L 1:100:50,2:100:150 Note that you assigned each job a name, '1' for the first job, and '2' for the second. When jobs are auto-generated, names are assigned automatically (just using numbers). How effectively a job runs on a particular CPU depends on whether the cache of that CPU currently holds the working set of the given job. If it doesn't, the job runs slowly, which means that only 1 tick of its runtime is subtracted from its remaining time left per each tick of the clock. This is the mode where the cache is 'cold' for that job (i.e., it does not yet contain the job's working set). However, if the job has run on the CPU previously for 'long enough', that CPU cache is now 'warm', and the job will execute more quickly. How much more quickly, you ask? Well, this depends on the value of the -r flag, which is the 'warmup rate'. Here, it is something like 2x by default, but you can change it as needed. How long does it take for a cache to warm up, you ask? Well, that is also set by a flag, in this case, the -w flag, which sets the 'warmup time'. By default, it is something like 10 time units. Thus, if a job runs for 10 time units, the cache on that CPU becomes warm, and then the job starts running faster. All of this, of course, is a gross approximation of how a real system works, but that's the beauty of simulation, right? So now we have CPUs, each with caches, and a way to specify jobs. What's left? Aha, you say, the scheduling policy! And you are right. Way to go, diligent homework-doing person! The first (default) policy is simple: a centralized scheduling queue, with a round-robin assignment of jobs to idle CPUs. The second is a per-CPU scheduling queue approach (turned on with -p), in which jobs are assigned to one of N scheduling queues (one per CPU); in this approach, an idle CPU will (on occasion) peek into some other CPU's queue and steal a job, to improve load balancing. How often this is done is set by a 'peek' interval (set by the -P flag). With this basic understanding in place, you should now be able to do the homework, and study different approaches to scheduling. To see a full list of options for this simulator, just type: prompt> ./multi.py -h Usage: multi.py [options] Options: Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SEED, --seed=SEED the random seed -j JOB_NUM, --job_num=JOB_NUM number of jobs in the system -R MAX_RUN, --max_run=MAX_RUN max run time of random-gen jobs -W MAX_WSET, --max_wset=MAX_WSET max working set of random-gen jobs -L JOB_LIST, --job_list=JOB_LIST provide a comma-separated list of job_name:run_time:working_set_size (e.g., a:10:100,b:10:50 means 2 jobs with run-times of 10, the first (a) with working set size=100, second (b) with working set size=50) -p, --per_cpu_queues per-CPU scheduling queues (not one) -A AFFINITY, --affinity=AFFINITY a list of jobs and which CPUs they can run on (e.g., a:0.1.2,b:0.1 allows job a to run on CPUs 0,1,2 but b only on CPUs 0 and 1 -n NUM_CPUS, --num_cpus=NUM_CPUS number of CPUs -q TIME_SLICE, --quantum=TIME_SLICE length of time slice -P PEEK_INTERVAL, --peek_interval=PEEK_INTERVAL for per-cpu scheduling, how often to peek at other schedule queue; 0 turns this off -w WARMUP_TIME, --warmup_time=WARMUP_TIME time it takes to warm cache -r WARM_RATE, --warm_rate=WARM_RATE how much faster to run with warm cache -M CACHE_SIZE, --cache_size=CACHE_SIZE cache size -o, --rand_order has CPUs get jobs in random order -t, --trace enable basic tracing (show which jobs got scheduled) -T, --trace_time_left trace time left for each job -C, --trace_cache trace cache status (warm/cold) too -S, --trace_sched trace scheduler state -c, --compute compute answers for me Probably the best to learn about are some of the tracing options (like -t, -T, -C, and -S). Play around with these to see better what the scheduler and system are doing.
To start things off, let’s learn how to use the simulator to study how to build an effective multi-processor scheduler. The first simulation will run just one job, which has a run-time of 30, and a working-set size of 200. Run this job (called job ’a’ here) on one simulated CPU as follows:
./multi.py -n 1 -L a:30:200
. How long will it take to complete? Turn on the-c
flag to see a final answer, and the-t
flag to see a tick-by-tick trace of the job and how it is scheduled. -
Now increase the cache size so as to make the job’s working set (size=200) fit into the cache (which, by default, is size=100); for example, run
./multi.py -n 1 -L a:30:200 -M 300
. Can you predict how fast the job will run once it ...