OS Support

This lesson identifies the issues that the operating system can face as a result of segmentation. Additionally, it also highlights the approaches that the operating system takes to handle those issues.

You now should have a basic idea as to how segmentation works. Pieces of the address space are relocated into physical memory as the system runs, and thus a huge savings of physical memory is achieved relative to our simpler approach with just a single base/bounds pair for the entire address space. Specifically, all the unused space between the stack and the heap need not be allocated in physical memory, allowing us to fit more address spaces into physical memory and support a large and sparse virtual address space per process.

Context switch

However, segmentation raises a number of new issues for the operating system. The first is an old one: what should the OS do on a context switch? You should have a good guess by now: the segment registers must be saved and restored. Clearly, each process has its own virtual address space, and the OS must make sure to set up these registers correctly before letting the process run again.

How OS deals with the growth or shrinkage of a segment

The second is OS interaction when segments grow (or perhaps shrink). For example, a program may call malloc() to allocate an object. In some cases, the ...