HomeCoursesThe Way to Go



The Way to Go
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Gain insights into Go's core constructs, advanced concepts like error-handling and networking, and learn efficient programming techniques and common pitfalls in this popular language.
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Course Overview

Go (sometimes called Golang) is one of the most popular languages today, and is a key part of many enterprise tech stacks. Many developers prefer Go to other languages like C++ and Scala because of its memory management model which allows for easier concurrency. In this course, you will learn the core constructs and techniques of the language. After going through the basics, you will then learn more advanced Go concepts like error-handling, networking, and templating. You'll learn how to program efficientl...Show More
Go (sometimes called Golang) is one of the most popular languages today, and is a key part of many enterprise tech stacks. Many ...Show More



Programming Language

Course Content


Origin, Context and Popularity of GO

4 Lessons

Get familiar with Go's origins, purpose, key features, and its rise in popularity.


Arrays and Slices

27 Lessons

Explore Go arrays, slices, initialization, manipulation, and problem-solving techniques.


Structs and Methods

24 Lessons

Step through struct creation, advanced concepts, methods, and practical coding challenges.


Interfaces and Reflection

25 Lessons

Unpack the core of interfaces, reflection, type assertions, type switches, and generic programming in Go.


Goroutines and Channels

29 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of Go's concurrency through goroutines, channels, patterns, and synchronization.


Common Go Pitfalls and Patterns

5 Lessons

Piece together the parts of common Go pitfalls and effective programming patterns.


Performance Advices

5 Lessons

Sharpen your skills in optimizing Go performance with strings, structs, functions, goroutines, and memory management.


Building a Complete Application

7 Lessons

Develop the URLShortener app "goto" with data storage, concurrency, persistent storage, and distributed architecture.
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