

Mapping VR Headset and Controllers with XR Interaction Toolkit

Mapping VR Headset and Controllers with XR Interaction Toolkit

Deconstruct XR Interaction Toolkit basics for VR by configuring XR Origin, enabling head and controller tracking, and assigning Input Actions for a complete VR experience.

In “Building Your First VR Application,” we learned about the XR Interaction Toolkit. It helps us quickly develop cross-platform VR projects in Unity. In this lesson, we’ll deconstruct some fundamentals of the Toolkit to learn how to map our VR headset (Meta Quest 2) and controllers to Unity World Space.

By now, we hope that you’ve set up a scene and configured the project by ensuring URP selection, importing XR Plug-in Management, and setting up the XRI Toolkit from the previous lesson. The following image shows how your scene should look like right now:

Previously, in “Building Your First VR Application,” we added the XR Origin (VR) GameObject via the “Hierarchy” view that automatically added other GameObjects necessary for the VR headset and controller tracking. However, let’s take a bottom-up approach this time.

XR Origin

The XR Origin GameObject represents the center of the Unity World SpaceIn Unity, World Space refers to a coordinate system and a space where GameObjects and elements exist. in a VR Scene. It’s responsible for mapping objects and trackable features to their final position and orientation in the scene.

So, create an empty GameObject and name it XR Origin. In the “Inspector” window, click the “Add Component” button and search for the “XR Origin” script to attach it to ...