

Catching and Surfing a Wave

Catching and Surfing a Wave

Learn about the difficulties of the management track in startups and receive some advice to be successful.

Difficulties with management track

The management track presents two difficulties with entry and progression:

  • Landing an initial management position: Since very few people have formal training in management (why else would this course exist?), getting the chance to be a manager in the first place can be challenging. When applying to open roles at companies, those with previous management experience often have the upper hand over those with none.
  • Always having a route for upward growth: A manager’s progression can be bounded more tightly by the size and structure of an organization. After all, managing more people and teams involves traveling upward in the organization chart. What if there’s nowhere to go?

Favorable properties of startups

Startups can offer an environment that can make these situations a little easier. As we mentioned previously, startups that do well have some favorable properties:

  • They grow and change rapidly. Investment or fast organic growth can double or triple the size of the engineering team in a short span of time. This means that a handful of people working in a flat hierarchy may now require more structure in their organization chart, including the introduction of more line management. This creates roles you can step into, especially if you’re already working there. Additionally,
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