Myth Busting
Learn about the most common myths you will encounter regarding performance reviews as a manager.
We'll cover the following...
Before we go any further, we’re going to consider some misconceptions about performance reviews. Part of the reason that reviews can suck is that both parties are going in with a mindset that hinders rather than helps. Let’s take a look at some incorrect assumptions people can have around performance reviews so that you can understand how to not repeat the others’ mistakes.
Myth 1: Reviews are for managers to give top-down feedback
A review is not a one-way debrief. It’s not the parole board at the prison giving their rubber-stamped verdict on whether an inmate can walk free. Reviews should be a two-way process. In the weeks leading up to reviews, both you and your staff will put in the time and effort to prepare. They will reflect on their performance and so will you. You will collect peer feedback for them so you can discuss it in partnership with them. They will be given the space and opportunity to talk about their goals for the future.
Remember that in the review process you, as a manager, are the facilitator. You are not the ...