Investigate, Review, Reflect, Act

Use these experiential prompts to prepare for and better enact your performance management.

Analyze future roles

Analyze your team’s needs regarding future roles. What specific role do you need to add to your team next? Who on your team has expressed interest in that role, has some level of expertise in the role, and would be willing to start taking on some activities of that role?

Think of skills to improve

Write down the skills you want to sharpen over the next year. What opportunities would you want to receive in order to accomplish that? Do this same exercise for each member of your team, ideally in 1:1s with them. Take good notes!

Reflect on your career journey and how to "pay it forward"

Consider your own history. What did the 8-year-old you want to be when you grew up? How have you gotten to where you are now? Who helped you arrive here? Now, think about how you can return the favor to others.

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