Learning Outcomes

What are the specific performance management skills you'll learn section by section in this course?

We'll cover the following...

This course does not assume any prior experience, but caters to experienced and novice managers alike. We will start by covering the foundational aspects of performance management, and then we’ll explore a key aspect of performance management in each chapter.

Here is a breakdown of the course’s contents:

  • Overview of Performance Management. What do we mean by the term, and what are the key aspects involved? “Performance” is one of those terms that can mean different things to different people (and different organizations), so getting a clear definition laid out goes a long way to ensuring we’re all speaking the same language.
  • The Need for Clear Expectations. Your direct reports cannot meet or exceed your expectations if they don’t know what they are. But what, exactly, does “clear expectations” mean? What seems clear to one might be incomprehensible to another, so we need to talk about what establishing clear expectations looks like.
  • Accountability. What do we mean by accountability? When do we hold a team accountable? When do we hold an individual accountable? And how does accountability not just turn into a synonym for “busting peoples’ chops when deadlines aren’t met”?
  • Metrics. Many people know that metrics can lead to an incorrect focus on the wrong things, but metrics are also an important tool in establishing objective criteria by which to judge performance. Where and how should metrics be used as part of expectations and performance management?
  • Motivation. For many new managers, the term “motivation” sounds like “I throw money at you to get more work out of you.” We know that this isn’t the case, but “keeping your team motivated” is something your superiors are going to expect. What do you need to know about how motivation ties into performance management, and how can you tap into your team’s motivational outlook?
  • Feedback. Feedback is critical so that your direct reports know how they’re doing, but if you take “feedback” to mean “always showing them how to do it better,” you’re not going to keep your team for long.
  • Performance Reviews. The culmination of the performance work you’ve done with your directs is the formal performance review meeting. It’s here that you’ll enshrine and formalize your directs’ successes—and failures—in a formal report.
  • Corrections. Sadly, not all of your directs will be successful at meeting the expectations you’ve set, and it’s important to know how to work with individuals to correct and adjust behavior to address those unmet expectations.
  • Termination/Separation. It’s the worst part of being a manager, but sometimes you need to know how—and when—to take the drastic step to let someone go. There is a correct way to do it, and for something this important, you need to know how to do it right.
  • Rewards. On the positive side, often your directs will do something that merits a little boost-of-something to show your appreciation and excitement. How do you reward people, and when?
  • The Development of Talent. How do you create that team of amazing people over and over again?