Additional Resources
Carnegie, Dale. 1936. How to Win Friends and Influence People. If it has been a few years since you last read this book, make a point of reading it again. You’ll be surprised how relevant the lessons are despite their age.
Doyle, Michael and David Strauss. 1993. How to Make Meetings Work! This is a classic discussion of running effective meetings.
Fisher, Roger and William Ury. 2011. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, 3rd Ed. This is the classic text on achieving win-win outcomes. Although nominally about negotiation, it’s really about group problem solving.
Goleman, Daniel, 2005. Emotional Intelligence, 10th Anniversary Edition. This is the book that made the original argument for EQ (emotional intelligence) mattering as much as IQ.
Lencioni, Patrick. 2002. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. This short business book is written in the form of a parable that chronicles the life of a team in disarray, followed by a model for creating and maintaining healthy teams.
Lipmanowicz, Henri and Keith McCandless. 2013. The Surprising Power of Liberating Structures. This innovative book describes numerous patterns or “liberating structures” for how groups interact.
McConnell, Steve and Jenny Stuart. 2018. Career Pathing for Software Professionals. [Online] This white paper describes the background and structure of Construx’s Professional Development Ladder (PDL). Companion implementation papers describe career paths that lead to Architect, QA Manager, Product Owner, Quality Manager, and Technical Manager.
Patterson, Kerry, et al. 2002. Crucial Conversations: Tools for talking when the stakes are high. This is a highly readable book that makes a compelling case for the world being a better place if everyone had the skills to engage in crucial conversations.
Rotary International, 2019. The Four-Way Test. [Online] An online search will yield numerous descriptions of the history and present-day application of the Four-Way Test. The Wikipedia article is as good a summary as any.
TRACOM Group, 2019. [Online] TRACOM’s website contains many materials on the Social Style model (no ‘s’), including overview descriptions of the model, reports on the validity of the model, and comparison of Social Style to other popular models such as Myers-Briggs.
Wilson Learning, 2019. [Online] Wilson Learnings website contains several articles on the Social Styles model (with an ‘s’), mostly discussing how it applies in sales. (TRACOM’s Social Style model and Wilson’s Social Styles model are the same, for informal practical purposes.)
Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. 2019. The RULER Model. [Online] 2019. This describes the RULER model and its application, with a primary focus on using the model in educational settings.
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