

Key Principle: Plan Based on Measured Team Capacity

Key Principle: Plan Based on Measured Team Capacity

Learn about how to make plans by measuring the capacity of the team.

An effective organization views each team and the organization overall as having a particular amount of capacity for software development work. This capacity is a function of individual productivity, team productivity, staff additions and losses, and gradual, measured productivity improvements over time.

An effective organization measures its capacity and makes plans based on its measured, empirical performance history— typically based on each team’s velocity. This approach contrasts with a more visceral approach in which an organization bases its plans on the expectation that its teams will demonstrate abrupt increases in capacity (that is, “insert miracle here”).

The difference in approaches to self-assessed capacity for technical work comes into play in project-portfolio planning and in setting project deadlines. If the organization views its own capacity clearly, it will distribute work and assign deadlines that can be met by the teams. If the organization bases its plans on the assumption of abrupt ...