Product Owner
Learn the attributes of a successful Product Owner and the T-shirt sizing method of requirements prioritization.
We'll cover the following...
ABOUT THIS CHAPTER One of the key emphases of Agile development is to sequence delivery of functionality from highest business priority to lowest. Highest-priority stories move toward the top of the backlog for additional refinement and implementation in the near-term sprints. Prioritization is also used decide which stories to implement and which stories not to.
Prioritizing requirements has always been useful, but for Agile projects requirements prioritization becomes a more prominent focus. A few really effective techniques have been developed to support this. But first let’s take a look at the role most responsible for prioritizing requirements in Agile projects.
Product Owner
As I described in the “More Effective Agile Beginnings: Scrum” chapter, one of the most common failure modes in Scrum is an ineffective Product Owner (PO). In my company’s experience, an effective PO has the following attributes:
Domain area expertise: An effective PO is an expert in the application, industry, and customers their application serves. Their understanding of the industry provides a ...