HomeCoursesOperating Systems: Virtualization, Concurrency & Persistence



Operating Systems: Virtualization, Concurrency & Persistence
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Explore operating systems through virtualization, concurrency, and persistence, covering CPU scheduling, process virtualization, locks, semaphores, and hands-on work with I/O devices and file systems.
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Course Overview

When it comes to operating systems, there are three main concepts: virtualization, concurrency, and persistence. These concepts lay the foundation for understanding how an operating system works. In this extensive course, you'll cover each of those in its entirety. You'll start by covering the basics of CPU virtualization and memory such as: CPU scheduling, process virtualization, and API virtualization. You will then move on to concurrency concepts where you’ll focus heavily on locks, semaphores, and how ...Show More
When it comes to operating systems, there are three main concepts: virtualization, concurrency, and persistence. These concepts ...Show More



Operating Systems



Course Content



9 Lessons

Get familiar with OS fundamentals including CPU, memory virtualization, concurrency, and persistence.


Virtualization: Processes

11 Lessons

Unpack the core of process virtualization, state transitions, and management within operating systems.


Virtualization: Direct Execution

8 Lessons

Apply your skills to virtualize CPUs, manage concurrency, and measure OS performance efficiently.


Virtualization: Address Space

8 Lessons

Explore the evolution of operating systems, focusing on memory management and virtualization.


Virtualization: Memory API

10 Lessons

Master the steps to manage and allocate memory efficiently using UNIX/C memory APIs.


Virtualization: Address Translation

10 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of address translation, memory management, and hardware support.


Virtualization: Free Space Management

9 Lessons

Investigate free space management, allocation strategies, memory allocators, and practical simulations.


Virtualization: Introduction to Paging

10 Lessons

Build on paging as a memory management technique addressing fragmentation and exploring translation challenges.


Concurrency: Thread API

10 Lessons

Master the steps to create and manage threads using POSIX Thread API and synchronization methods.


Concurrency: Locked Data Structures

8 Lessons

Get started with concurrent data structures, lock management, and performance optimization techniques.


Concurrency: Concurrency Bugs

11 Lessons

Map out the steps for understanding and handling concurrency bugs, focusing on deadlocks and prevention.
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