HomeCoursesEffective Performance Management for Engineering Teams



Effective Performance Management for Engineering Teams
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Gain insights into performance management for engineering teams. Discover how to set clear expectations, design performance metrics, and provide constructive feedback to enhance team productivity and accountability.
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Course Overview

A manager is responsible for assigning tasks to the team members, keeping tabs on the progress, and analyzing their performance. A good manager must know their strengths and use them accordingly. This course covers the essentials of performance management in engineering teams. You’ll learn the importance of setting clear expectations and the difference between individual and collective accountability. You’ll learn the importance of performance metrics and design them for your team. Next, you’ll explore way...Show More
A manager is responsible for assigning tasks to the team members, keeping tabs on the progress, and analyzing their performance....Show More


An understanding of performance management in engineering teams
Familiarity with the techniques for setting clear expectations and their importance
The ability to design metrics to gauge an individual’s performance
The ability to keep your team motivated
The ability to boost individual team member performances
The ability to effectively communicate good as well as bad performance reviews
An understanding of performance management in engineering teams

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Course Content



4 Lessons

Get familiar with essential performance management skills to enhance engineering team success.


Overview of Performance Management

4 Lessons

Unpack the core of performance management, focusing on documentation, feedback, accountability, and career growth.


The Need for Clear Expectations

6 Lessons

Work your way through establishing clear expectations in performance management to enhance team effectiveness and accountability.



6 Lessons

Take a closer look at assessing team performance through metrics, avoiding pitfalls, and driving improvement.



1 Lessons

See how it works: Effective performance management involves clear expectations, feedback, and talent development.
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