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API Analytics for Product Managers
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Gain insights into managing APIs as products, building customer empathy, designing success metrics, and identifying KPIs to inform product strategy for optimizing API performance and profitability.
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Course Overview

This course will guide you through managing APIs as products, building customer empathy, designing metrics for measuring success, and identifying KPIs to inform your product strategy. This course is divided into four parts. You’ll begin by learning about APIs as products and understanding how large the market is for API products. Next, you learn about product management concepts and how these apply to APIs. Then, you will learn about the primary customer of APIs—the developer. Next, you will be introduced...Show More
This course will guide you through managing APIs as products, building customer empathy, designing metrics for measuring success...Show More


An understanding of key API metrics
The ability to utilize API metrics to grow your business
The ability to manage APIs as a product
The ability to build customer empathy for API products
In-depth knowledge of design metrics for measuring APIs from the perspective of infrastructure, product, and business
The ability to identify the right key performance indicators (KPIs) for API products to build a product strategy
An understanding of key API metrics

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Course Content


Introduction to the course

2 Lessons

Get familiar with treating APIs as products, essential metrics, and strategic performance measurement.


Part 1: The API Landscape

1 Lessons

Look at the evolution of APIs, their impact on digital transformation, and API-first companies' success.


API Life Cycle and Maturity

7 Lessons

Map out the steps for understanding API life cycle, development, governance, and maturity.


Support Models for API Products

7 Lessons

Learn how to use support models to enhance API products with feedback and metrics.


Part 2: Understanding the Customers

1 Lessons

Look at the significance of user research in product development and improving user experience.


Walking in the Customer’s Shoes

6 Lessons

Explore understanding user personas and mapping journeys to enhance API user experiences.


Customer Expectations and Goals

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of aligning product teams with customer needs through empathy maps and research.


Part 3: Deep Dive into Key Metrics for API Products

1 Lessons

Follow the process of understanding, tracking, and analyzing key metrics to optimize API product success.


Infrastructure Metrics

7 Lessons

Master the steps to enhance API infrastructure with performance, reliability, and usage metrics.


API Product Metrics

10 Lessons

Learn how to use API product metrics to enhance user engagement and product success.


Part 4: Setting a Cohesive Analytics Strategy

1 Lessons

Examine how to build a cohesive analytics strategy for insightful product decision-making.


Decision-Making with Data

7 Lessons

Build on the power of data for informed decisions, strategic storytelling, and goal-setting in product management.



2 Lessons

Learn how to use key metrics and strategies for effective API product management.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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